There is an art and science to leadership selection and onboarding which results in a better selection of leadership candidates and the effective leadership onboarding of new leaders.
In our experience of twenty-five (25) years we have evolved a five-step process for increasing the success of selecting and onboarding new leaders.
- The hiring Manager or HR Business Partner creates a one-page overview of the organization values or leadership principles considered most important for success with a new leader.
- Prospective candidates are invited to complete the Hogan Leadership Forecast Series (LFS) or Hogan Insights Assessment.
- Prospective candidates are narrowed to three (3) finalists, based upon their previous experience, the results of their Hogan LFS or Insight Assessment and the values or leadership principles considered most important for success by the hiring organization, with a new leader.
- A Rank Ordering of the three (3) final candidates, is provided by Inspire Imagine Innovate using a ranking of High Fit, Moderate Fit, and Low Fit and provided to the hiring manager or HR Business Partner, which takes into consideration the candidate experience, Hogan results and the values or leadership principles considered most important for success by the hiring organization, with a new leader.
- The newly hired leader is debriefed on the results of his/her Hogan Leadership Forecast Series (LFS) or Hogan Insight assessment including the Hogan Four Quadrant Model of Effective Leaders by a global executive coach of Inspire Imagine Innovate, including the articulation of a Leadership Onboarding Plan.
To engage Kevin Asbjörnson for a complimentary consultation on this service offering, please visit or email.