Inspire Imagine Innovate is a strategic partner with Entrepreneur Performance Lab, which researches and understands the psychology and unique challenges of entrepreneurial leadership.

EPL solutions strengthen entrepreneurial and executive readiness, fit, and performance across the full spectrum of a firm’s life cycle – from early-stage ventures to global organizations

EPL is the publisher of The Entrepreneur Core Characteristics Profile (ECCP™) an empirically developed assessment tool, providing personal feedback on 11 entrepreneurial characteristics.

Inspire Imagine Innovate provides the link for each client to complete the ECCP™ and then provides a one-hour debriefing and coaching conversation on the ECCP™, including the ECCP™ Action Plan for Development.  Clients also receive access to the Start-Up Clarity Project, which provides our clients with access to 17 brief online videos with field-tested insights and ideas for elevating your entrepreneurial effectiveness.  Please visit our online information portal at

Our Founder & Managing Director, Kevin Asbjörnson, MIM TLA is an experienced and successful entrepreneur leader of thirty (30) years and recognized globally for his leadership advisory services, career transformation & life transition coaching and global executive coaching with our clients in sixty-six (66) countries.

Kevin is the recipient of the International Telly Award-Executive Producer for his internationally acclaimed, high-definition film, The Artistry of Leadership-Creating Meaningful Connections™.

To engage Kevin Asbjörnson for a complimentary consultation on this service offering, please visit or email.