Inspire Imagine Innovate  (i3), a professional services firm and boutique consultancy of Trusted Leadership Advisors, Executive Coaches and Talent Development Professionals, and Kansal & Company, a boutique consultancy providing strategic leadership development services to the global healthcare industry, are pleased to announce their affiliation, as experienced service providers of over 25 years, to the practitioners and leaders in the global healthcare industry.

The resulting synergy of this affiliation brings together advanced practitioners and global executive coaches of International Gold-Standard assessments such as Hogan Assessments, MHS EQ-i 2.0, ET al which are provided online and in-person and leaders within their client organization and debriefed one-on-one by an advanced assessment practitioner and global executive coach—to assist each person to better understand their strengths, derailment tendencies, blind spots, and areas of development.

According to Kevin D. Asbjörnson, MIM, Managing Director of Inspire Imagine Innovate: “Effective leadership in healthcare is based upon the global sciences of personality, emotional intelligence (EQ-i), holistic health diagnostics, and patient-centered care.”

According to Ruchin Kansal, MBA, “We believe that to be in a healthcare leadership position is a privilege, that leaders have a purpose larger than self, and that leading requires passion to overcome the difficulties that come with it.”

Regis College, a leading health sciences college in the U.S.A., shares their research and insight into the importance of personality and emotional intelligence (EQ-i) on healthcare practitioners and leaders, in delivering patient-centered care, and the five attributes of those with emotional intelligence (EQ-i) and strategic self-awareness, online at

Asbjörnson and Kansal agree with Regis College and consider Self-Awareness, the first attribute of emotional intelligence (EQ-i), to be so important, that they encourage their global healthcare clients to invest in the Hogan LFS Assessment and EQ-1 2.0, the international gold standards of personality assessments, which enhances the strategic self-awareness of an individual, which is the foundation of emotional intelligence (EQ-i).

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To schedule a complimentary consultation with Ruchin Kansal, please visit

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Kevin D. Asbjörnson, please visit

Kevin D. Asbjörnson, MIM may be reached at and Ruchin Kansal, MBA, may be reached at

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