Inspire Imagine Innovate is often asked how to effectively develop a leader with a coaching mindset, without the unrealistic expectation of the leader to become an accredited or professional coach.

We assess such leaders with the Coaching Mindset Index (CMI), which is a science-based self-assessment designed to help individuals understand how they coach others and what they can do to optimize their coaching capabilities.

The CMI identifies your Coaching Style and measures how to utilize six (6) core Coaching Strategies. The effectiveness of any Coaching Strategy will depend on the context in which you are coaching, the needs of the coachee, and your relationship with that individual.

There are four (4) Styles of Coaching.

Directive-A Directive coaching style is characterized by an above-average level of Push strategies and a below-average level of Pull strategies. Coaches who use a Directive style attempt to transfer their own knowledge and skills to their coachees by sharing advice and experiences, communicating honestly and directly, and offering solutions to problems.

Engaged-An Engaged coaching style is characterized by above-average levels of both Push and Pull strategies. Coaches with an Engaged style are likely to invest significant time and energy with their coachees and to use a variety of coaching behaviors, ranging from more directive and results-focused to more inquisitive and compassionate.

Supportive-A Supportive coaching style is characterized by a below-average level of Push strategies and an above-average level of Pull strategies. Coaches who use a Supportive style are likely to be perceived as warm, inquisitive, and invested in a coachee’s individual development. They also tend to deliver performance feedback with a high degree of compassion.

 Independent – An Independent coaching style is characterized by below-average levels of both Push and Pull strategies. Coaches who use an Independent style are likely to provide their coachees with a high degree of autonomy; they may be less active than other coaches in communicating expectations, solving problems, or providing feedback.

To engage Kevin Asbjörnson for a complimentary consultation on this service offering, please visit or email.


Inspire Imagine Innovate provides the link for each client to complete the CMI™ online assessment and then conducts a one-hour debriefing of the CMI®, including the CMI™ Action Plan for Development.  Extended coaching sessions are available, at the request of our clients.