The majority of us in the global workforce, whether employees, contractors or part-time employees, are expected to work with and through others; however; many of us have not learned how to effectively work effectively in teams or workgroups.  Organizations often confuse team-building (social bonding) with team development.

According to Dave Winsborough, partner at New Zealand consultancy Winsborough Limited and co-developer of the Hogan Team Report, the problem is a basic misunderstanding of how teams work.

According to Winsborough, there is significant literature devoted to creating high-functioning teams, most of which focuses on the proper mix of skills and experience. However, this approach ignores the most important determining factor in team performance: personality — which affects how people approach and interact within the team as well as how their values align with the rest of the team.

The right mix of personalities is critical to forming a team with the proper balance of psychological roles, absence of dysfunctional personalities, and shared values to anchor the team.

“High-performing teams can provide companies with an undeniable advantage over their competitors. However, most managers will tell you that although it is easy to put together a team with great potential, they rarely perform at their maximum capacity.”

Dave Winsborough, Partner
New Zealand Consultancy Winsborough Limited
Co-Developer of the Hogan Team Report

“There is significant literature devoted to creating high-functioning teams, most of which focuses on the proper mix of skills and experience,” Winsborough said. “But this approach ignores the most important determining factor in team performance: personality.

Personality affects team performance in three ways:

  1. How people approach their role within the team
  2. How people interact with the rest of their team
  3. How people’s values align with the rest of the team

The right mix of personalities is critical to forming a team with the proper balance of psychological roles, absence of dysfunctional personalities, and shared values to anchor the team”.
Inspire Imagine Innovate is exceptionally experienced with the design, facilitation and coaching of Building Effective Team or Workgroup Workshops.  Here is our proven five (5) step process.

  1. Client provides Inspire Imagine Innovate with the names, title, email address and direct telephone number of the team or workgroup members.
  2. Each member of the team or workgroup completes online, either the Hogan Insight Assessment or Hogan Leadership Forecast Assessment (LFS).
  3. Inspire Imagine Innovate provides the individual 60-minute debriefing and coaching conversation for each member of the team or workgroup.
  4. We create a customized PowerPoint (PPT) with the results of the Hogan Team Report, for our facilitation of the team or workgroup, including a recommended Coaching Engagement & Development Plan (CEDP) for the team or workgroup.
  5. Inspire Imagine Innovate provides our client an electronic copy of the article “The Truth About Teams-Understanding the Link Between Personality & Maximizing Team Performance”, which is a required pre-read by each participant, in advance of the Team Development Workshop.

To preview a sample of the Hogan Team Report. To engage Kevin Asbjörnson for a complimentary consultation on this service offering, please visit engage with us or email.

Develop Yourself Online

Inspire Imagine Innovate constructed Individual Development Services to provide talent, career, and leadership development services for every person in the global workforce, including the self-employed and graduating students who are preparing to enter the national or global workforce.

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