The majority of us in the global workforce, whether employees, contractors or part-time employees, are expected to work with and through others; however; many of us have not learned how to effectively work effectively in teams or workgroups. Organizations often confuse team-building (social bonding) with team development.
According to Dave Winsborough, partner at New Zealand consultancy Winsborough Limited and co-developer of the Hogan Team Report, the problem is a basic misunderstanding of how teams work.
According to Winsborough, there is significant literature devoted to creating high-functioning teams, most of which focuses on the proper mix of skills and experience. However, this approach ignores the most important determining factor in team performance: personality — which affects how people approach and interact within the team as well as how their values align with the rest of the team.
The right mix of personalities is critical to forming a team with the proper balance of psychological roles, absence of dysfunctional personalities, and shared values to anchor the team. Inspire Imagine Innovate implements the following steps as part of our solution:
- Benchmarks our clients against global norms of emerging, high-potential and C-level/senior leaders, as an integral component of the individual Coaching Engagement Plan (CEP)
- Integrates the client organizational models of leadership, preferred behaviors and values into the coaching engagement
- Collaborates with our organizational clients to ensure successful integration of their leadership initiatives through their assessment(s) of choice
Through our extensive experience in a variety of international, gold standard self-assessments, 360 surveys, culture surveys, and employee engagement surveys, we are able to integrate the optimal combination of assessments to match your goals. We then incorporate the results into an Individual Coaching Engagement Plan (CEP) for each team member — while assessing and aligning the team/workgroup, as a whole.