The Critical Shortage of Inspired, Human-Centric Leadership [And How to Achieve It]


The events of our world have highlighted the shortsightedness, distrust, and failure of leadership. Just one example is included in the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer Global Report: Navigating in a Polarized World which cites that 24 of 28 countries are at all-time lows in economic optimism and distrust of government—and institutional leaders continues to decline. […]

The Institute of Inspired Leadership™ Launches New Online/Virtual Services in Response to Accelerating Global Workplace Shifts


A significant shift in global population occurred this calendar year of 2023; the updated top five (5) global regions of population are as follows: In addition to this shift in global regions of populations, numerous countries are experiencing the accelerated aging of their current population and the challenges associated with multiple generations in their workforces. […]